Urrggh…working for a living
A travel blog needs travel, right? Unfortunately, not all of us have the luxury of being jetsetters or professional wayfarers. In the real world, we’re punching the clock, counting our hard-earned randelas, and pining for the next long weekend that never seems to arrive. We fantasize about globe-trotting, but the closest we get to an exotic destination is watching Netflix’s latest travel docuseries from the couch. Yes folks, it’s not all glamour and adventures. Most of us have day jobs. So uncool!
The land of no vacations when you’re leave-less or when you get ‘basic’ leave, makes for a very ‘basic’ travel life. Imagine a world where vacations are like mythical unicorns – everyone talks about them but, you never actually see one. That’s the life of many who can’t secure those elusive paid days off. Heck, that’s presently the writers personal experience but…we’re working on it. Some bosses (not all but some) seem to think that leaving the office for more than a day is akin to an interdimensional journey. So, while others post pictures of their European or Mauritius escapades… you, me, we, are navigating our way through our office’s endless maze of emails.